The Fruits and Veggies of Life… By: Keisha Blount

10 Jan

A Whole Healthy Person "SSSWAT"

So when I say that I’m honored to contribute to this awesome MOVEMENT, I make NO exaggerations.  I know I have limited space so I’ll spare the shout outs, but I will thank Denise and staff for allowing me to share.

I have gone through a myriad of emotions and experiences about my singleness, not to mention the difficulty in maintaining my salvation and sanity during my singlehood.  I like to think of it as my diet growing up.  You had to know that I would have to include food in my life analogy (smile).  So growing up, you learned about food groups and what they do for you.  You learned that vegetables are good for you, although they aren’t always tasty, and that high fat and sugary foods may taste good, but aren’t necessarily good for you.  That’s why we eat them in moderation, and we eat or should eat fruits and vegetables all of the time.  Unfortunately, I didn’t always consider my health when choosing my meal.  Fried foods were always at the top of my list, and vegetables were often nowhere to be found.  Oh, I suffered.  Every time I had fast food, my body reacted.  That grease did not agree with me.  Now, I’m not sure about you “bougie” people who  refuse to accept the rather unpleasant parts of life… but MY reality is that that grease does NOT agree with my stomach (mostly ‘cuz its old among other things) and when things don’t agree, you already know what goes down in the powder room.  Anyways, my health was affected and although fast/fried/sweet foods were promoted as “popular”, they definitely were not well received by my body.  I didn’t look good or feel good.  Well, this resulted in a desperate need for a lifestyle change, and the more I ate fruits and vegetables, the more I liked them… so much so that I didn’t even miss not having that “junk food”.  I felt better, looked better, and things were/are great.

Looking for the long awaited connection? Here it is…

The “world”/media portray singlehood as this negative curse of loneliness and despair.  You avoid it like the plague and if people find out you’re single, their response looks to you like you’re diseased!  The world creates this idea that if you’re single, you must be miserable and lonely going throughout life with no one to love and no one to love you back.  The “junk food”, I mean the world convinces people that enjoying your own company is obsolete and the only way to go out is hand in hand with some else.  Even further, media has us convinced that this life in some way grants us access to a new level of “freedom” where we can lead lives of promiscuity, impurity and bad decisions because we’re not “tied down”.  We’re either lucky because we can “do whatever we want” or we’re cursed, because we’re alone.  Well, let me remind or maybe introduce you to the fruits and veggies of life.  God views single people as special, unique beings.  We have been called to a specific purpose that others cannot fulfill.  As singles our highest priority is Christ.  The covenant we have established through our salvation allows us to totally avail ourselves to God without other relational responsibilities.  The secular junk food literally leaves us heavy with baggage from past relations and relationships, and we are spiritually empty, lacking nutrition.  When we choose to adopt the healthy truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, we are built up and made whole.  The fruits and veggies of singlehood promote the idea that we’re single, not partial.  We are WHOLE individuals, not halves, walking around waiting for our “better half” to come sweep us off our feet.  So, let’s choose to eat healthy and embrace our fruits and veggies… after all, they make us big and strong!!


A WHOLE healthy individual 🙂


Keisha Blount

2 Responses to “The Fruits and Veggies of Life… By: Keisha Blount”

  1. LaToya Archibald January 11, 2012 at 3:41 pm #

    Great post Keisha! I like how you relate eating our fruits and veggies to having a healthy perspective about being single. There are occasions when junk food is permissible but we have to be mindful of our intake and be prepared to work it off. I also wanted to say that those in “the world” are not the only one’s who liken being single to having the chicken pox. A lot of believers are in a race to get married or to help their single friends get married. Don’t get me wrong I want a husband… but I’m not sprinting towards that. I’m running towards God and if a potential husband happens to be jogging alongside me during my run then I welcome the possibility.

    • sssmovement January 11, 2012 at 3:48 pm #

      That is a wonderful perspective to have! Be encouraged and Thanks for reading!

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